About Impact

Your stepping stone to a new life of opportunity.

Impact was founded by individuals who now live a recovered life, and our program is designed from our firsthand experience and understanding of what is – and isn’t – effective. Our team has been in your shoes and walked through to the other side, so we know healing is possible, and we want to do everything we can to guide others in their journeys toward recovery.

Healing is within reach.

At Impact, we help guide all those battling addiction toward recovery. We work with individuals experiencing alcohol or substance abuse. We are especially equipped to help individuals who find success in most areas of their life but are at a loss when it comes to their addiction, individuals who have already tried (and failed) at getting sober (any number of times), and families or loved ones who want to heal and desire a recovery program that integrates them into the process.

We’ve seen it over and over again, so we know it is fully possible for an individual to have their life transformed, even when that life seems doomed to failure. Our responsibility is not only to put language around what addiction is but also to show that the recovered way of life is an amazing, fulfilling way to live. It is crucial for our clients to realize that, when reliant on only their own power, they have no shot of overcoming the obstacles laid out in front of them. When we can get individuals to understand just how severe their circumstances really are, unexpectedly, that’s when true hope can show up.

Our Approach

Reclaim your life. Rewrite your story.

Every member of our recovery team has integrated what we teach into their way of life. With our extensive, first-hand experience in the field, we've honed our understanding of what truly works and what doesn't. We strip away the unnecessary “fluff” and focus on the vital part of the process: the work. While we're serious about the services we provide, we maintain a relaxed and approachable atmosphere between residents and staff. We believe setting the tone for an individual’s experience starts at the top, so we teach a way of living that works for us. In other words, we do as we ask others to do.

Unlike most recovery programs, Impact walks individuals through an authentic journey of the original 12 step process, in its entirety. Impact residents complete this process in an immersive, intensive environment that provides individuals with an experience we’ve found increases the likelihood of recovery.

At Impact, we also know addiction affects more than just the individual. Our recovery programs take this into account, providing support and guidance for families and loved ones at every step along the way. Recovery requires a robust network of support and community and is something that must be done together. Impact residents and their families do not make the journey alone.

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Adams Pritchard and Chad Lentscher
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The Impact Story

We have been where you are, and we know how to help.

United by purpose, the Impact Recovery Center is devoted to empowering individuals worldwide in their fight against addiction, helping them rediscover their strengths and rebuild their lives with grace and dignity. Everyone on our recovery team has worked through their own 12-step recovery process, and they are dedicated to helping others encounter the same renewal they have experienced.

Impact was founded by Adams Pritchard and Chad Lentscher. A native of Birmingham, Adams moved through 17 different treatment centers across the country, including countless hospitals, detoxes, sober living homes, therapists, and psychiatrists. He experienced multiple stays in jails and took part in hundreds of 12 step meetings between 2007 and 2015. Nothing seemed to be working for him. Finally, in 2015, Adams landed at a facility in Texas that presented something new to him – a true understanding of the 12 steps.

His spirit was finally awakened through this process, and he became receptive to clinical work, finally returning home a different person.

Filled with hope and a life-altering experience, he immediately began being of service to others.

Adams met Chad at the recovery facility in Texas, and the two began to develop a friendship. It was not long before Adams saw the need in the Southeast for the experience he had had in Texas. He shared his vision of building a similar facility in the Birmingham area with Chad, and not long after, Adams took a chance and created Impact Recovery Center. Once the doors were open, he invited Chad to join him on the journey.

Experience has shown that certain changes in the industry are not always beneficial to the addict who is trying to get well. Adams and Chad have made a commitment to remaining a small population with a like-minded team that is focused on transformation through the 12 steps, individualized clinical work and deep family support and engagement. Adams was optimistic that Impact Recovery Center would impact lives, but he never envisioned the transformation that has taken place in the past several years. The Impact team is endlessly grateful and honored to support so many people in their journeys toward a new life.

What We Help With

Comprehensive Substance-Abuse Help

At Impact Recovery Center, we provide comprehensive, personalized programs to tackle both alcohol and other drug addictions. Our approach is centered on the individual, and we adapt our strategies to meet your specific needs.

Impact can help people who struggle with addiction/s to the following substances (or combinations thereof), whether from medicinal or recreational purposes:

  • Alcohol
  • Heroin
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opiates
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Fentanyl
  • Other Prescription drugs

Your journey to recovery is as unique as you are, and Impact honors that complexity. Your path to recovery begins here, and we're with you every step of the way.

Awaken to a New Life.


Birmingham, AL | Atlanta, GA

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