Pathways to Recovery:

Insights from the Impact Team

Check out the latest in addiction and substance-abuse recovery news, insight and best practice from the Impact team.

How Should Addiction Treatment Address Co-Occurring Disorders?
Basics Of Co-Occurring Disorders The brain and body have a highly complex relationship. Because of these complexities, it should not come as a surprise that substance abuse and addiction have a huge impact on the brain. Substance abuse can instigate, develop, and sometimes even cover up symptoms of other mental conditions. And because addictive substances influence the brain and its chemistry, it can be difficult to identify the root cause of a person's struggles. This...
New Year’s Resolutions For Addiction Recovery
A New Year’s Resolution For Recovery It’s about to be a New Year, so how about a new you? It sounds too simple, and indeed it is! For many, addiction recovery and the New Year can be a difficult combination. Even if you’ve already decided to pursue recovery from addiction, you may feel the pressure to make resolutions that could be too ambitious and lead to stress. And, of course, there’s the matter of all...
What’s The Link Between Relapse And The Holiday Season?
Why Is The Risk Of Relapse Higher During The Holidays? Living in recovery is a day by day process. It can seem particularly daunting especially if you’re in the early stages of sobriety. During the holidays, the risks of relapse are generally higher because of a variety of factors. Triggers, stress, and simply more exposure to substance-use environments are just a few of the risks. Even if you’ve been in recovery for a long time,...
What Is Kratom And Is It Dangerous For Those In Addiction Recovery?
What Is The Substance Called Kratom? Kratom, whose proper name is Mitragyna, is a plant from Southeast Asia. It belongs to the same family of plants as coffee and gardenias. Kratom has been used as an herbal medicine in Thailand and nearby countries for hundreds of years for various ailments. It is most commonly used for energy boosts as well as mild pain relief. What makes it dangerous, however, is the fact that it’s a...
4 Tips To Enjoying An Alcohol-Free Thanksgiving
What Are The Dangers Of Drinking During The Holidays? Despite the magic of the holiday season, Thanksgiving may be a trigger for those struggling with substance abuse, especially alcohol. Thus, having the right information and resources is key to helping you keep those they care about safe. The risks arise from the dangers of binge drinking and alcoholism during the holidays. Although for some the holidays are joyous times, many others find the season difficult....
Drug Spotlight - What’s The Difference Between Naltrexone And Naloxone?
Substance Abuse Of Opioids The opioid epidemic is a public health crisis in the United States. Overdose deaths from opioids have been slowly on the rise for more than a ten years, and opioid-related hospitalizations have reached dangerously high levels. But what are opioids and how does one avoid their misuse? Opioids are prescription medications that control pain ranging from moderate to severe. Doctors prescribe them after surgery or injury, but they can also be...
Tips For Staying Sober In October, And How To Be Honest About It
Why Halloween Is Tough For Those In Recovery The month of October can be a difficult one for those in recovery. Between the parties and festivities of Halloween, you may feel anxious about maintaining your sobriety. And while any holiday can be challenging, holidays like Halloween that often involve heavy drinking are especially hard. Peer pressure and fear of missing out can be large factors in slipping up. This applies to either drug or alcohol...
Veterans And Addiction - Ways To Support Your Loved Ones
What’s The Link Between Veterans And Substance Abuse? Substance use disorders (SUDs) and veterans are a very real concern for many countries in the world. And in the United States, substance abuse among veterans continues to skyrocket. SUDs is an umbrella term for any type of drug abuse, addiction, or dependency on illicit or prescriptions drugs. Despite their prevalence, it can be difficult to identify when someone has a substance use disorder. The best way...
How Dangerous Is Black Tar Heroin?
What Is Black Tar Heroin? Like other heroin substances, black tar heroin is extremely addictive. It can be used in a way that leads to severe addiction, painful withdrawal, mental health problems, and even fatal overdose. In general, heroin has a long history in the United States and comes from diverse geographical locations. It’s called “black tar” heroin because of its brown or dark black appearance. Moreover, it has a thick, sticky consistency that resembles...
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