Alumni Programs

Go Through Recovery With Our Community On Your Side

We care for our clients throughout their recovery process. From your first conversation with our team and on through your recovery, we will support you in your fight against addiction. To ensure our clients are supported at every step of their recovery, we offer alumni programs in addition to treatment.

Alumni programs are a way for people in recovery to interact with others who have completed the same addiction treatment programs and are at similar stages in recovery. If you have completed a drug and alcohol addiction treatment program at Impact Recovery Center, we would be happy to have you participate in our alumni programs. We are available to answer any questions you may have about our alumni programs during a free consultation with our team.

What Is A Rehab Alumni Program?

In general, an alumni program is any program that a rehab center offers to people who have completed their addiction treatment program. Often, these programs involve some kind of group therapy component. Alumni programs look different at every rehabilitation facility. In some facilities, there is no alumni program. At Impact Recovery Center, there are multiple programs available to people we have treated.

Our Alumni Programs

Our alumni programs give people who have completed an addiction treatment program a way to connect with other individuals in recovery. We have monthly alumni meetings that allow people who have completed our program to connect with each other and share their experiences in recovery. These meetings also frequently feature guest speakers!

In addition to our alumni meetings, we offer a comprehensive after care program that aims to foster dedication to recovery after the competition of treatment. Our other after care programs include our Saturday cookouts and biweekly sponsor nights. These events are a great way for our alumni to meet with others in recovery and remain in a sober mindset after they have completed treatment.

The Benefits Of Alumni Programs

Participating in an alumni program offers a range of benefits for people at every step of their recovery. For alumni, participating in these programs can give them an outlet for remaining in the recovery mindset. Additionally, people who are in an alumni program can interact with others in a similar situation and share their experiences. This allows people in recovery to get another perspective on their successes and struggles.

Participating in a rehab alumni program provides benefits such as:

Connecting with others in recovery and providing a social outlet

Remaining in the recovery mindset

Encouraging others, and receiving encouragement

Learning how to have fun in sobriety

Reducing the chance of relapse

Providing a support system

Some of our alumni programs also involve the participation of people who are currently enrolled in our drug and alcohol addiction treatment program, such as our biweekly sponsor nights. Interacting with people who have completed our program is highly beneficial for current clients as well. Alumni can provide our current clients with information on what they can expect later in their recovery journey, and get the insight of a person who is in a different step of their process.

For more information about our recovery-based program, send us a message or call 205-751-4936.

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