Saturday Cookouts

Promoting Fun And Connectivity In Recovery

At Impact Recovery Center, your treatment plan won’t just involve workshops and therapy — we also like to have fun! We work to create an environment that will help you develop quality relationships and life skills in recovery.

Our Saturday cookouts are one of our favorite parts of running our rehab center. These events provide us time to connect with program participants and alumni, time for you to connect with others in recovery, and time for everyone to have fun in sobriety. On the surface our cookouts are a fun time to socialize, but these events are so much more than that!

We can provide more information about our Saturday cookouts and other programs during a free consultation. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about these events and other components of our addiction treatment programs in Birmingham.

About Our Saturday Cookouts

Our Saturday cookouts are a weekly event that features great food, fun games, a bonfire, and most important of all, connecting with friends and family! The people who have attended Impact Recovery Center and are currently in treatment are a community that is committed to recovery.

Why We Started Our Saturday Cookouts

We began holding our Saturday cookouts to bring our community of people who are committed to recovery together in a fun, relaxed setting. During our cookouts, you will have the opportunity to connect with others who are in recovery.

The founders of Impact Recovery Center and others on our team are living in long-term recovery themselves. We understand the importance of human connection, socialization, and sharing experiences in recovery. We believe that our Saturday cookouts are a great way to gain all of these benefits.

Although our Saturday cookouts are certainly fun, they offer additional benefits for people in recovery as well. By spending time with other people in recovery, you can learn more about working through addiction and having fun in sobriety.

For more information, send us a message or call 205-751-4936.

Who Can Attend Our Saturday Cookouts?

Our Saturday cookouts are events that bring our current clients, past clients, and their families together. Anyone who is currently participating in our addiction treatment programs or has completed a program with us is welcome to attend our Saturday cookouts. We also welcome the loved ones of our current and past clients, in addition to people in the community who are in recovery.

How Our Saturday Cookouts Relate To The 12 Steps Of Recovery

We base our drug and alcohol addiction treatment on the 12 steps of recovery, and aim to work these principles into every aspect of our programs — even our Saturday cookouts! These cookouts involve 12 step principles such as unity and service. Connecting with others in recovery is an important part of the 12 steps, as is helping others in their recovery. We believe our Saturday cookouts are an opportunity for people in the beginning stages of their recovery to learn from others, and for people who have completed treatment to serve others and learn from their experiences.

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Awaken to a New Life.


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