Opiate Addiction Recovery Program In Birmingham

A Life Without Addiction Is Possible

Opiate addiction is an epidemic that has gripped significant regions of the United States. This class of drugs includes potent prescription painkillers, as well as highly addictive street drugs. When a person becomes addicted to opiates, it is virtually impossible to stop using without the help of a professional. Through our adaptation of the 12-step treatment method and other rehabilitation programs, you can take power over your addiction.

The Impact Recovery Center team includes people who are in long-term recovery themselves. Our history with addiction and experience with recovery informs our insight into treatment. We are confident that our programs can help you. To learn for yourself, reach out to us today.

What Are Opiates?

Opiates are drugs that are naturally derived from the opium plant or synthetic drugs that are created to mirror the effects of natural opium drugs. Although this category of drugs includes many different substances, they share characteristics in their addiction level and their effects.

In general, opiates are some of the most addictive substances that exist. These drugs minimize physical pain and often produce euphoric effects. Opiates, because they are so addictive, are often very difficult to quit using and can produce severe withdrawal effects. Withdrawing from opiates often leads to issues such as nausea, sweating, restlessness, body pain, and anxiety. For this reason, it is crucial to get the help of a professional if you would like to quit using opiates. Our recovery professionals are here to help you.

The Effects Of Opiate Addiction

Opiate addiction can severely affect the function of organs, body systems, and the brain. In the short term, a person who is struggling with opiate addiction may experience nausea, breathing difficulties, limited cognitive functionality, and a heightened tolerance that leads to the use of greater quantities of these dangerous drugs. In the long term, people who are addicted to opiates may experience organ failure, permanent mental effects, and withdrawal symptoms. Opiate use can also be fatal.

In addition to the effects that opiate addiction has on the health of users, the addiction often disrupts every aspect of a person’s life. Using opiates can cause a person to lose relationships, jobs, and control over every aspect of their life.

Opiate Addiction Treatment At Impact Recovery Center

It’s likely that you have heard of the 12 steps to recovery. This treatment method is well known because it is one of the most effective ways to overcome addiction. Our approach to opiate addiction rehabilitation is based in the 12 steps, but we apply an accelerated model to help our patients quickly get their lives back on track. Additionally, our opiate addiction treatment programs involve yoga, golf, and a range of other activities that are aimed at fostering complete wellness and helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle. We offer financial literacy and professional competency courses as well. The goal of our program is not only to help you overcome addiction, but to help you live successfully in recovery.

At Impact Recovery Center, we also believe in the healing power of community. People who have completed our program are involved in the recovery plans of our new patients, and your recovery path will include a comprehensive after care program that will allow you to connect with people at all stages of recovery. We let families into the recovery process as well, and your loved ones can play an active role in your recovery if you wish.

For more information about our recovery-based program, send us a message or call 205-751-4936.

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